Cold weather of 2006 has become a distant memory, and with spring essentially nearby, many adult men and women come in the quest for an adult bunny costume for their next costume party and individual event!

Like Halloween and Independence Day, Easter is another season adults benefit from dressing in their favorite costumes. Whether its for that special time when the kids are looking for Easter eggs in the property, or for the pretty partners fantasy that would like to keep their imaginations alive, according to what your current desires are, a bunny personality is a popular choice among many people in the spring.

Individuals on a budget, consider what type of bunny you would want to be, and if you've no concept, maybe I could help you with a really bunny thought to help you get your imagination moving, and possibly make the next event an amusing one. Dont read further, if youre a bunny! I dont want one to begin getting hopping mad at me. This majestic rotating rabbit essay has some salient cautions for where to provide for this idea. Ok, I'll stop the rabbit puns.

One thought from another article I wrote on special costume ideas was the Playboy theme that I think will fit properly, if you happen to attend costume parties annually and youre stuck on ideas of what costume you'd like to do this year. You'll need to start by contacting several friends, gathering several women friends and one guy. If you have all women, or all men, Im sure you will figure something out together.

The Men: Visit your local thrift shop, or if you occur to already have a red silk smoking jacket (I dont wish to know any information on why you've one), make use of the jacket, and add onto them with some optional extras. You will need bunny ears, rabbit teeth (optional), fluffy white slippers, costume encounter paint, and one large real or fake carrot. If you love eating peas, I would suggest you choose the one.

The Women: I understand every dream is to liven up as a Playboy Bunny! Ok, its every mans desire, but use me on this 1! Find yourself a decent body suit, sexy nylons, high heel pumps, and for accessories you could get any other accessories you feel will make your costume unique, and a bow-tie, bunny ears, bunny makeup.

The final result is going to be Hugh (Bunny) Hefner and his beautiful Playboy Bunnies at his side, If you arrive at the costume party. That costume idea fits the design, and you could have fun playing the part, bunny type.

For the people that have a bigger budget and dont have the time-to look at the local music stores, you can access various adult rabbit costumes online at a number of the prime outfit supply stores. They offer person bunny outfits and costume accessories that may have you ready for any party that comes hopping the right path. Investing in a outfit is practical, because you can use it more often than once, and Im sure you will have a friend or two that could wish to borrow or hire it from you some time soon.

Whichever rabbit costume thought you choose to go with, whether its home made or store-bought, remember to put your imagination and personal touch into your costume, and have some fun. I wish everyone else a happy Easter, and I hope you keep eye out for more of my costume ideas and methods for future costume events coming your way this year!.