Experienced Yoga practitioners often feel discouraged each time a naturally gifted dancer, gymnast, or martial artist, performs an advanced asana with little effort. When I have mentioned before, you'll find individuals with elongated joint products and their extraordinary range of flexibility is just a gift. You and I might have to work on it, however the many benefits of Yoga practice remain there.

Yoga consists of Asanas, and many features, are simply among the many parts of Yoga. Many students who've extraordinary mobility admit they struggle with another section of Yoga - such as: The student who only can't settle down to reflect, handling in Yogic Philosophy, Pranayama, asanas, and etc.

Regrettably, I have seen many promising Yoga professionals leave practicing Yoga, because of aggressive mind-set. Inside their own minds - these were in competition with every student in the class and, possibly, their Yoga teacher too.

Understand that Yoga indicates 'union.' Essentially, we could say union of body, head, and spirit. There are numerous more facts about marriage, but that would be a separate report. There are also many branches of Yoga and, therefore, many types of union, but competition is far-from union.

Opposition increases the ego, and the ego is a part of your personality. The ego resists union for its own survival. The ego is our social mask and does not need to discuss something.

Remember, next time you begin to feel envious of yet another student or teacher - that's maybe not union. If anything, it'll carry you back from union and a lot more valuable contributions that Yoga can make to your daily life.

Feel free to go to our 'brand-new' forum which is open to the general public in July 2005. You can find it at: http://yoga-teacher-training.org/forum

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