When you think of social-networking web sites, there are some obvious candidates that will immediately come to mind. It might be surprising to understand just how many different social network websites are in fact on the market. Listed here is a basic list of social-networking sites on line, but this list is in no way exhaustive.

Person and Dating - These are social media sites that focus on dating and relationships.

- Adult Friend Finder, http://www.adultfriendfinder.com/

- Ok Cupid, http://www.okcupid.com

- eHarmony, http://www.eharmony.com

- Fubar, http://www.fubar.com

Blogging - These are social networking web sites that both heart totally around communicating through blogging, or put a sizable emphasis on the thought of blogging.

- Blogger, http://www.blogger.com

- Livejournal, http://www.livejournal.com

- Twitter, http://www.twitter.com

- Win-dows Live Spaces, http://www.spaces.live.com/

- Wordpress, http://www.wordpress.com

- Vox, http://www.vox.com

- Xanga, http://www.xanga.com

General Social Networking - These will be the key of the social network concept, with names like You-tube, Flickr, MySpace and Facebook leading the-pack.

- ClassMates, http://www.classmates.com

- Bebo, http://www.bebo.com

- Deviant Art, http://www.deviantart.com

- Facebook, http://www.facebook.com

- Flickr, http://www.flickr.com

- Linked-in, http://www.linkedin.com

- Meetup, http://www.meetup.com

- MySpace, http://www.myspace.com

- You-tube, http://www.youtube.com

- Gather, http://www.gather.com

- imeem, http://www.imeem.com

- Itsmy, http://www.itsmy.com

- My Yearbook, http://www.myyearbook.com

- Webshots, http://www.webshots.com

International Social Networking - These internet sites are particularly common in international countries, or are designed to focus on residents of a specific country. Friendster, for instance, is a worldwide social network site however it is especially common in countries besides the United States Of America. Biip, to the other hand, is a social-networking site made for the Norwegian community. Get further on this partner link - Hit this link: michael doven news.

- Friendster, http://www.friendster.com

- Face Party, http://www.faceparty.com

- Friends Reunited, http://www.friendsreunited.co.uk/

- Biip, http://www.biip.no/

- Cloob, http://www.cloob.com/

- Cyworld, http://us.cyworld.com/

- Fotolog, http://www.fotolog.com/

- Frhstckstreff, http://www.fruehstueckstreff.org/

- Grono, http://www.grono.net

- Habbo, http://www.habbo.com

- hi5, http://www.hi5.com

- Hyves, http://www.hyves.nl

- IRC Galleria, http://www.irc-galleria.net/index.php

- iWiW, http://www.iwiw.hu/

- Profile Heaven, http://www.profileheaven.com/

Niche Interests - These are social network web sites that are aimed toward certain interests like music fans, bibliophiles, coffee enthusiasts or pop culture.

- Advogato, http://www.advogato.org/

- Amie Street, http://www.amiestreet.com/

- ANobii, http://www.anobii.com/

- CafeMom, http://www.cafemom.com

- Buzznet, http://www.buzznet.com

- Broadcaster, http://www.broadcaster.com

- Cake Financial, https://www.cakefinancial.com/

- Care2, http://www.care2.com/

- Eons, http://www.eons.com

- TravBuddy, http://www.travbuddy.com/

- Travellerspoint Travel Community, http://www.travellerspoint.com/

- BlackPlanet, http://www.blackplanet.com

- Elftown, http://www.elftown.com

- Flixster, http://www.flixster.com

- Geni, http://www.geni.com

- Goodreads, http://www.goodreads.com

- Gossip Report, http://www.gossipreport.com

- Guild Caf, http://www.gamerDNA.com

- Hospitality club, http://www.hospitalityclub.org

- Last.fm, http://www.last.fm

- Library Thing, http://www.librarything.com/

- Lifeknot, http://www.lifeknot.com/

- Live Mocha, http://www.livemocha.com

- One World TELEVISION, http://tv.oneworld.net/

- Plaxo, http://www.plaxo.com

- Ravelry, http://www.ravelry.com

- Sci Space, http://www.scispace.net/

- WAYN, http://www.wayn.com/

Social Media - These sites concentrate on discussing media and media with other members of the community. Michael Doven Page includes further about how to allow for it.

- Digg, http://www.digg.com

- StumbleUpon, http://www.stumbleupon.com

- Del.icio.us, http://del.icio.us

- Reddit, http://www.reddit.com

- Fark, http://www.fark.com

Younger Generation - These are social network web sites that are best-suited for students and younger ages.

- College Tonight, http://thequad.com/

- Gaia On the web, http://www.gaiaonline.com

- NeoPets, http://www.neopets.com

- Student.com, http://www.student.com

- Re-union, http://www.reunion.com

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