O-n 1 December 2002 I'd little experience of heart disease however just 10 days later was at the Pediatric Intensive Care Uni-t (PICU) bedside of our newborn who required life-saving open heart surgery.

While many diseases are extremely well known, these are little known facts:

Heart problems exist in 1 in 10-0 children

Heart problems in kids could be the leading cause of childhood death in Australia accounting for half an hour of all child deaths.

Almost twice as much kids die of congenital heart disease compared to all childhood cancers

In 80% of cases the cause is basically unknown. Navigate to this hyperlink http://www.kotanow.com/story/30447094/zofran-birth-defect-lawsuit-claims-drug-caused-multiple-congenital-defects to learn where to mull over it.

The wonderful thing is how far surgery and medicine has progressed to permit another chance for many children like mine that only 20 years ago wouldn't have survived.

While there is a range of different abnormalities that will occur, reconstruction was required by our newborn baby for a coarctation of the aortic arch, reconstruction of both aortic and mitral valves and closing of a Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD).

The mitral and aortic valves were narrow and the composition of the valves was significantly dissimilar to what they should have been. Browse here at http://www.koamtv.com/story/30447094/zofran-birth-defect-lawsuit-claims-drug-caused-multiple-congenital-defects to research where to deal with it. Visit http://www.ktul.com/story/30447094/zofran-birth-defect-lawsuit-claims-drug-caused-multiple-congenital-defects to check up the reason for this hypothesis. Although the aortic valve reconstruction was quite successful, the mitral valve is a lot more complex and following surgery the gradient across the valve was still high thus making our baby with mitral valve stenosis (narrowing of the valve).

This surgery took 5.5 hours and the stakes were high an one in ten or 10% chance that our child would not survive.

Following surgery the next 24-hours is seen as a period where if issues are getting to be encountered, that is likely to be the period. This is not to say that post 24-hours means every thing is fine and dandy. Restoration within our case was slow using a further five days within the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit for weaning off the ventilator which assists and at times sounds breathing, as well as waiting for the heart to stay in order that pacemakers and other medicines are no longer necessary.

A lot of the recovery period is trial and error or more like careful monitoring and modification as necessary. Identify more on this affiliated use with by going to Zofran Birth Defect Lawsuit Claims Drug Caused Multiple Congenital Defects. As an example subsequent heart surgery patients are fluid restricted to help the task the heart has to do thus trying to stop the build up of fluids leading to heart failure. On-the other side of the coin however is the fact that an individual are able to wind up dehydrated.

It is hard to know whether advance understanding of a heart condition in an unborn child could be a lot better than the surprise we experienced with examination two days following the start of our child. In any event it's a tremendously stressful procedure that in our case didn't and hasn't ended with the surgery following delivery. In most cases further surgery is needed, for all of us another reconstruction of the mitral valve at two years old and further surgery is expected with final substitution of the mitral valve with an artificial valve.

The unknown during our process and most of the time is once the next surgery is likely to be required. For these cases, groups of children, toddlers and children go from day to day, week to week, month to month, and often year to year before the next call to surgery comes.

For those in the same situation our prayers and thoughts go out to you. For anybody interested, the story in relation to the ongoing saga with our son can be found at http://www.beatinghearts4kids.blogspot.com...